Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Always Falling Behind...

Last week was my spring break (SPRING BREAK!!!), and my new friend Jon and I thumbed it up to Portland. "Thumbing it" is how we say hitchhiking in the biz. I am learning so many new things all the time!

(Why is my scan quality so shitty today?)

I did a craigslist rideshare on the way back, which was surprisingly unsketchy. I highly recommend it for travel. Don't be a puss, get a ride with a stranger! I did, however, have to do 2 separate rides to get all the way back to the bay, and I spent an unhealthy amount of time in a Denny's waiting for my second one.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Last week

People have been hogging the scanner in the lab. But here are a couple comics about the freeway takeover, finally:

As I suppose is to be expected, I came out of the experience way more radicalized than I was going in. The cops seriously fucked up some of the girls I was in jail with (bruised bones, apparently someone fractured her elbow?) and as an eye witness, I can safely say that the protesters were not provoking the cops at all. Also, some 16 year old boy jumped off the freeway and fell 40 ft on to concrete. Bummer.

I managed to snap a couple photos before being cuffed, there are a few more on my facebook, plus a mix of other things that have been happening in my life.

Monday, March 8, 2010


I am getting better about studying, but getting worse about keeping this updated.

I tried playing around with ink washes, but wasn't particularly satisfied with the results.

Progression from February to March. (Click for larger images)

I also have a lot of ideas for comics about the March 4th protests and the 20 hrs I spent in a jail following the freeway occupation. Hopefully coming soon.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Getting ready to head down to LA tomorrow. I am missing a couple days of school so I'm halfway through a 48 hour make up work marathon.

I'm still trying to figure out this whole "academia" business. Stoichiometry? Derivatives? Limits? What is all this shit? But honestly I feel more stimulated than I have in a long while. It switches between overstimulated and brain dead.

Friday, February 5, 2010


So there is a Yoga to the People in Berkeley, and it is totally awesome. I am super into it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

First of CA

I hate spelling things wrong in pen.


1. full of juice; juicy.
2. rich in desirable qualities.
3. affording mental nourishment.
4. (of a plant) having fleshy and juicy tissues.

Monday, February 1, 2010

India and Nepal: Leftovers

The scan quality is kind of a bummer, so the colors aren't at all true. Also I don't have access to a good photo editing program, so some of them are embarrassingly crooked. But here is a drawing from Nepal:

And a bunch from India:

Planning to post more recent drawings later this week...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Coming Soon...

I now have access to a printer at school and will be scanning some more drawings from India and Nepal, as well as some of life on the left coast.

Well, yeah, in theory I will be.